Wednesday, May 7, 2014 : CS101: Introduction to Computer Science done :-)

Got my CS101 completion certificate. Awesome learning and Prof.David Evans rocked the students for sure. 

Next will be start off my project (more later). 

Also, started the CS212: Design of Computer Programs by Dr.Peter Norvig.

Sad part is that Udacity is discontinuing the issue of certificates for the free courses :-(

CodeChef May 2014 Long challenge problems...

I have always regarded CodeChef very highly for the kind of problems they come up with and the tutorials after the contests. May 2014 has quite a few interesting problems of which I have solved 3: OJUMPS, RRSTONE and COMPILER. Attempting the Strange Matrix now (CHEFBM)

The name in CAPS are the problem codes.
Feels blissful to solve problems :-)