Never did i think seriously of subscribing to Safari books online, but somehow after a really long time, i signed up for the free trial and liked it so much that i could not stop myself subscribing to it. There are thousands of books and videos out there that i stopped googling for many topics and instead started searching on safari. The results were pretty good and i have always believed in the technical depth that books offer. Never once was i disappointed.
Right now, i am inspired by:
* Inventors at work
* Making it big in Software. Get the Job. Work the Org. Become great.
* Liquid Thinking: Inspirational lessons from the world's greatest achievers
* How Google tests Software
Also, I got a new Android phone (Moto G2) and it is really good to read books in the "Safari Queue" app although it is in the beta state and requires an invite from the Safri people working on the app. This app needs many changes to get close to its Apple store counterpart, but so far, I really love the app.
One video that is awesome is the talk at OSCON 2014: Hacking the Kernel, Hacking Myself - Kelley Nielsen.